Genesis 26:19
King James Version
19 And Isaac's servants digged in the valley,
and found there a well of springing water.
NEARLY six years ago, I started on a soul's adventure.
Wherein I intended to find out about GOD, self, and others.
I had no idea the LORD would reveal so much more.
All because I needed to look into self first.
And be authentic.
Here's the compressed journey, and findings, starting 2018.
Starting with the FIRST blog, "Archaeologist of the Soul":
24 November 2018
I'm a modern-day archaeologist of the soul, an excavator, a soul-digger.
You will know why you do what you do, why others are the way they are, who God is, and everything that matters in this world.
Expect to go really deep into your heart, into the bone, and marrow of your being.
This blog is only for those who can laugh at themselves and their own quirks, for you will need a HUGE dose of mirth and humility.
Hop right in and prepare for a wonderful adventure.
It takes courage to know self.
Are you prepared to know God and self, this time around?
11 November 2021
Why Bible prophecy?
Why America?
We were truly digging deeper.
So deep, GOD made me born again.
The same day after watching the two videos.
In life, you merely LOVE.
And all things become clear.
The heart speaks to the heart.
I have to continue my walk with SPIRIT.
I have to continue following the LORD.
I have to carry that cross each day.
I have my family to think about.
I have GOD to serve.
I have you to think about.
I have to continue writing.
I was given a task.
We must keep going.
GOD's will be done, in us.
Let us comfort one another.
Suffering has rent my heart open.
But GOD has always wanted an open heart.
GOD will make me whole again.
For I've reached rock bottom.
Well, I "unearthed" much along the way.
With the HOLY SPIRIT leading the way.
Opening many spiritual doors for me.
These links tell you more:
The IMPORTANT articles
GOD's GLORY blogs
BORN AGAIN classics
Then, out of the blue, GOD led me to "politics".
America was going to have her 2024 elections.
As if everything, from then, till now, hinged upon that.
And I truly believed, and felt, it did.
So, I sought to find out, according to Scripture.
For by 2019, GOD had made me born again.
The search took on a deeper note, and tone.
Here are excerpts of our notes, questions, and discoveries regarding American elections, and even the world's future.
22 July 2024
"On U.S. politics"
And what of Donald Trump?
Would GOD allow him another term as president?
Does he really love Israel?
Does he really love JESUS?
Is he being supported by the right Christians?
Perhaps, he will do better this time.
Knowing he must leave a legacy.
20 August 2024
Five years ago, GOD made me born again.
He alerted me to the danger America is in.
Wherein she is RIPE for JUDGMENT.
She's in even greater danger now.
There will be a forthcoming U.S. elections.
Only two people to choose from.
The former president Trump.
And the aspiring candidate Harris.
One, a man.
The other, a woman.
One, trying to be godly.
The other, totally ungodly.
One, possibly offering better hope.
The other, offering absolute disaster.
27 September 2024
"IMPERMANENCE of policies"
Policies come, policies go.
As it has been, so it shall continue.
All subject to the whims and winds of man, and war.
Is the world improving?
You tell me.
But there's one thing that will never change.
We all die.
We cannot expect our policies to be the same.
People who take our place may have different agendas.
Unless we be of the same GOD SPIRIT, we cannot produce anything of real value.
Our lives are in GOD's hands.
He gave us His spirit.
Genesis 2:7
King James Version
7 And the Lord God formed man
of the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul.
We must not produce "dynasties", "cronies", or "clones".
Only believers live "forever", through CHRIST.
Who promised us eternal life.
If you are a leader, whether of a family, a business, a community, an organization, or a nation, it's best you be of GOD.
Delight in the LORD.
And yet be fearful of Him.
For His policies live forever.
We are as nothing compared to His power.
5 October 2024
"The ONLY election that MATTERS"
The SUCCESS of any elected leader relies on the following:
If they have a love for GOD, or not.
If they believe in JESUS, or not.
If they are guided by SPIRIT, or not.
If they have a love for Israel, or not.
If they are born again, or not.
9 October 2024
"The FORGOTTEN principles"
That basic principle is common-sense.
In any person, in any family, in any organization, in any nation.
Satan feeds upon your ego, lust, pride, vanity, and greed.
Weakening your heart, mind, body, soul, spirit, and "home".
And then he goes in for the "kill".
Taking everyone with him.
Oh, how the game is played too often!
And yet, man never learns.
As watchman and workman for GOD, I am here to watch, warn, write, wait, and worship.
That's why we have all these blogs and books.
Which SPIRIT inspired me to write starting five years ago.
That we may warn, and wake you up.
Friends, we are hit on ALL fronts.
Whether believer, or unbeliever.
We need to know GOD's laws.
We either rise, or fall, when we follow, or don't follow, GOD's commands.
The Bible, especially the Old Testament, is filled with GOD's wrath, and judgment.
For unbelieving, unfaithful, idolatrous, adulterous, war-like, vain, greedy people.
Whether they be His chosen nation, Israel, or the enemies of Israel.
We are all under judgment if we disobey GOD's laws.
ESPECIALLY if we hurt the "apple" of His eye.
There is nothing new about man's ways.
Or his methods.
Especially if he wants to acquire something.
Or wants something destroyed.
As king Solomon said:
Ecclesiastes 1:9
King James Version
9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be;
and that which is done is that which shall be done:
and there is no new thing under the sun.
Titles come, titles go.
Wealth comes, wealth goes.
Power comes, power goes.
But what will not go, is GOD.
Neither will His laws.
If we are to survive this world, it's best we turn to GOD.
Not tomorrow, but today, right this moment.
Forget about knowing anything.
Become a new person in CHRIST.
2 Corinthians 5:17
King James Version
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ,
he is a new creature:
old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new.
Walk with GOD's SPIRIT, and you shall not be taken aback.
By any event which will happen today, or tomorrow.
For SPIRIT has mapped out man's character.
He has mapped out man's heart.
He has mapped out our future.
And it's all in Scripture.
But how many believe in the LORD JESUS?
How many follow His commands?
How many truly love Him?
JESUS is where we all begin.
And where we all end.
Romans 10:4
King James Version
4 For Christ is the end of the law
for righteousness
to every one that believeth.
20 October 2024
"Why you MUST turn to JESUS now!"
We have no idea the real battle.
It's a battle for our souls.
Be not of a proud heart.
Be not of a willful spirit.
Be not confident in your own abilities.
Be not deluded into thinking you are invincible.
At any given moment, GOD could cut that pride of yours.
31 October 2024
I have a very strange connection with America.
When GOD made me born again in 2019, right away He led me to Bible prophecy, specifically on America.
On how she is a nation "begging for destruction".
A nation calling for GOD's judgment.
GOD wants America saved.
She is the only country that once cared for Israel.
Even as this administration doesn't.
But the previous administration did.
Only GOD will decide the future of America.
America's destiny is tied up with Israel.
In fact, all our nations' futures are tied up with Israel.
How we treat her is how GOD will treat us.
Genesis 12:3
King James Version
3 And I will bless them that bless thee,
and curse him that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth
be blessed.
How we treat GOD is also how He will treat us.
Psalm 145:19-20
King James Version
19 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him:
he also will hear their cry, and will save them.
20 The Lord preserveth all them that love him:
but all the wicked will he destroy.
The future of people and government lies with GOD.
Only GOD has power over everything.
We need to pray to GOD for these things:
To live right.
To think right.
To speak right.
To do right.
To be right.
All according to His laws.
Only by being born again can you begin to understand.
For SPIRIT and Scripture will teach you about JESUS.
JESUS taught us the LORD's commands.
He gave His life for us.
You will begin to understand the world's ways, versus GOD's ways.
You will be guided every step of the way.
Decision-making, on any matter, will be easy.
Both Jew and Gentile, are loved by GOD.
We must turn away from our wicked ways.
We must find our path back to GOD.
Through JESUS.
John 14:6
King James Version
6 Jesus saith unto him,
I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
8 November 2024
"An AMERICAN connection"
Today, the HOLY SPIRIT took me back into time.
All because I remembered my past work for America.
Seems America keeps "calling" to me.
The call came ever stronger before this 2024 elections.
Wherein I found myself writing about the state America is in.
The time was right, the moment was here, SPIRIT called me to it.
Before you know it, I found myself writing about the elections.
GOD gave me "Trump" four days ago.
He gave a verse specifically for the former president.
Which turned out to be prophetic.
I'd like to see what GOD wants me to discover.
And whatever He wants me to share with you.
Whether you're American, or not.
I just know it will be "substantial".
It will affect you.
And interest you.
No matter which part of the world you're in.
8 November 2024
"37 years ago"
It's like I'm a "witness" to most things.
And yet, their route didn't interest me.
That was also the time when a lot was happening in my country, and in the U.S.
I was in it, and yet "not" in it.
Everything always serves GOD's purpose.
He "positioned" me, EXACTLY where I needed to be.
Every single time, and moment.
Today, I realize the "American connection" got deeper in 2019.
Where "everything" really began for me.
9 November 2024
"The AMERICAN elections"
Kamala's policies anger the GREAT GOD.
I didn't believe GOD would allow her to bring America to further ruin.
The Biden administration was close to ruining America.
I can almost feel it was just a "matter of time", and America would fall.
Kamala was doomed to fail, right from the start.
Her ways, and policies, made me cringe.
And they made me write.
As if it was a race against time.
That I had to warn people as fast as I can about her, and the Democrats.
There was something sinister going on, and it had to stop.
Oh, how little she knows about GOD's laws regarding Israel.
Any thinking person could see the difference.
10 November 2024
Without SPIRIT, I'd be clueless.
10 November 2024
Being much younger, Vance is being groomed to carry Trump's "MAGA" (Make America Great Again) mantle.
As their rallies show, both men respect each other.
Vance always deferring to Trump.
Both are true assets to each other.
If both continue honoring GOD, there's no reason why they can't succeed in any endeavor.
This is Trump's time now.
There's no stopping America's desire to heal, and get up again.
With Vance by his side, it's a win situation.
No matter the continuing sour graping around them.
GOD's will be done.
We enter into a NEW era now.
GOD is done with the Democrats.
They had their chance, and they brazenly "blew" it.
GOD would have no more of that nonsense.
People have suffered enough.
That's why He is allowing Republican Trump's "common sense" program now.
VICTORY was achieved, only THROUGH GOD's POWER:
Psalm 44:3
King James Version
3 For they got not the land in possession
by their own sword, neither
did their own arm save them:
but thy right hand,
and thine arm,
and the light of thy countenance,
because thou hadst a favour unto them.
That's what America, and the world needs.
A return to GOD, truth, and justice.
We are all under GRACE now.
A "reprieve", if you want to call it that.
Even a "respite".
A time to "breathe".
A time to "regroup".
But it will be a quick respite.
Before the TRUE battle begins.
From which, there will be no turning back.
Who you give your allegiance to, indicates your future.
Time to position ourselves, probably for the LAST time.
At least, before the RAPTURE occurs.
It's really all PREPARATION now.
What we do with this GRACE, and opportunity, spells our personal future.
And all our combined future.
What's your stand on Israel?
Ah, that's very telling.
As of this writing, there is still 71 days before Trump sits at office.
From now, till then, a lot can still happen.
Trump's enemies will still want to keep him out of the White House.
We need to pray even harder that Trump and his team remain with CHRIST.
That was their strength.
It can also be their weakness, if they get distracted.
The outcome has always been consistent, and foretold.
The battle can only be won BY, and THROUGH the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
1 Corinthians 15:57
King James Version
57 But thanks be to God,
which giveth us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Will the Rapture happen BEFORE Trump gets to the White House?
Or will it happen after?
Only GOD knows.
Mark 13:32-37
King James Version
32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man,
no, not the angels which are in heaven,
neither the Son,
but the Father.
33 Take ye heed, watch and pray:
for ye know not when the time is.
34 For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey,
who left his house,
and gave authority to his servants,
and to every man his work,
and commanded the porter to watch.
35 Watch ye therefore:
for ye know not
when the master of the house cometh,
at even,
or at midnight,
or at the cockcrowing,
or in the morning:
36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
37 And what I say unto you I say unto all,
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WORD study
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