Friday, September 6, 2024



Proverbs 16:16

King James Version

16 How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! 

and to get understanding 

rather to be chosen than silver!

I myself can't believe it.

I've been born again, FIVE years now?

At least 1,825 days today.

Wow, as I would say, "Stupendous!"

All because GOD made me born again.

Saving me, from myself.

If I am to count my ancient years, I shall count it as kid years.

For the only thing that matters is how long I've been born again.

It's been FIVE, beautiful years.

Of non-stop praying, listening, studying, writing, and sharing.

Every single day.

Having a delighted devotion to the WORD of GOD.

Childlike pride at GOD's magnificence.

Awed respect for JESUS.

Searching Scripture each day, like a Berean.

Praying to JESUS, for any questions I may have.

Waiting for His SPIRIT to direct me to the right verse.

Offering our articles for GOD's GLORY all the time.

We've got 107 blogs to show for it now.

And yet a 108th hovers.

I lasted this long.

And I shall last for as long GOD deems it.

My years are in His hands.

My work was predestined.

He allowed my errors, for His purpose.

But saved me right on time.

As the world was to see many troubles.

Brewing in 2019, and hasn't stopped since.

People partied end of 2019.

GOD made me write instead.

We started our fiction books in November.

We worked on 22 spiritual warfare books in 36 days.

Then He made me write another two on JESUS in 2020.

You can find all those on my Amazon page.

He kept me busy studying, and sharing.

There was one day in 2020 I got cocky.

Thinking I had written enough.

Wanting to ease up writing.

He would have none of that foolishness.

On the very same day, He cut the wi-fi connection.

Through a neighbor's contractor.

Who "accidentally" cut our telephone line.

And didn't work on having it re-connected.

No matter my appeals.

It was laborious getting back "on-line".

I had to go to another neighbor to report the matter.

Those were the covid days of difficulties.

It took another two days to get back to work.

Merely shows, I must not get slack in my work for GOD.

People are "perishing", what was I doing, thinking I'd done enough?

On the contrary, my work had just begun.

He taught me that awful lesson.

There's no messing around with GOD.

He will get you "off-line".

OFF His line.

And that scares me the most.

Losing that "anointing".

I hadn't stopped writing since.

If you must know, I FEAR the LORD, greatly.

I may be childlike, and playful, with Him.

But I don't test that patience.

That's how it is to work for the LORD.

You have to be devoted, consistent, faithful.

Trusting, patient, eager, excited.

On the job, every single day.

No slackers allowed.

No lazy bones.

No egotistic folks.

How does He make me work?

What are our working hours?

Is it fun?

GOD wakes me up -- anytime between 2am to 4pm.

Actually, more around 2:30 or 3:30 a.m.

We work for two to three hours before I prepare breakfast for family.

Within the day, we work throughout, too.

Interspersed between chores, duties, and responsibilities.

Life is simpler, but more fulfilling, than ever.

My days are busy, quiet, and focused.

Which suits me just fine.

He makes me listen to lots of sermons.

His SPIRIT discerns which sermon, or issue, to listen to.

Which we connect with Scripture.

Reviewing the validity of other people's claims.

From which I get ideas what to write about.

And boy, there are TONS of ideas.

You won't believe my notes.

Neither my "bookmarked" sites.

Some days, I'm washing dishes, watching cable, having a meal, and BOOM!

An idea hits, and I'm on it.

We "work" right away.

I "memorize" the idea, letting SPIRIT "produce" the verse.

Letting Him "develop" the article in my mind.

That's how we get to create the blogs.

Oftentimes, a series of articles already lie in wait.

I take notes, as the "ideas" hit.

I don't want to lose the "thread".

We have spools of it.

It's all SPIRIT, you see.

You pay attention.

ALL the time.

Ignore SPIRIT, and you've lost it.

You've lost that DIRECT connection with GOD.

You cannot retrieve what you chose to ignore.

Mercifully, I always pay attention.

And drop everything, once SPIRIT ignites a thought, a word, or an action.

And if I can't drop whatever I'm dong, just yet, I simply get the closest pen and paper in hand.

And write down EVERYTHING.

EXACTLY as He gave it.

Half of the ideas are worked on.

The other half?

It's just SPIRIT's way of testing.

Whether I care to write it down, or not.

When I do get back to that half, there was no need to develop an article.

SPIRIT just wants to see if I'm paying attention.

So, we just toss the other half.

Recently, He made me write notes for a friend.

More like warnings, really.

Just as I was about to sleep.

He didn't make me sleep till morning.

I'd go back to bed, thinking the instructions were enough.

Nope, SPIRIT had more.

He kept getting me back up.

I ended up going back to bed at 2am.

And delivering the "message" the same day.

SPIRIT gave His warnings in phrases.

And I'm merely "messenger".

I must "deliver" it.

EXACTLY as He said it.

Which I did.

A messenger is there to prevent a "mess".

See how much I love words!

My wonderful, wonderful "toys".

That's the gift GOD gave me.

A thing for words.

A love for phrases.

Especially defining phrases.

The secret is in words.

Which I shall write about, in the future.

As I edit this article, more ideas are circling in my head.

Percolating, percolating, percolating.

GOD gave me a joyful brain.

Delighting in "connecting" stuff.

It's not uncommon that while I'm writing, or editing, GOD continues to feed my brain with new stuff.

While writing an article, another comes up.

Sometimes, a whole bunch.

That's why I have to write fast.

And take TONS of notes.

Lest it all be lost.

I did say decades ago that there are "many books" in my heart.

Well, GOD tapped that.

His way.

But one thing I always do is pray.

I pray to know His will.

I ask JESUS what He wants written.

I ask His SPIRIT guide me to the verses.

We've already got a "system" in place.

Pray. Wait. Listen. Write. Share.

There's order, precision, and perfection.

My thoughts must be of GOD alone.

Never an injection of self, or ego.

My work must be pure, precise, and perfect.

For it is all offered to GOD.

It is offered to you.

I must not mislead anyone.

Everything must be ACCORDING to GOD's WORD.

Why the urgency?

The times are evil.

Man continues to sin.

Man continues to defy the LORD.

There are many false prophets.

Many misleading teachers.

Many dubious philosophies.

Many erring industries.

Many misguided governments.

Many corrupt leaders.

Much deception going on.

Many are "asleep".

Not realizing their errors.

We base everything on Scripture.

I merely follow SPIRIT's instructions.

What to write, what verse to use, when to share.

Who to share it with.

I do not judge your actions.

The HOLY SPIRIT does the reproving.

GOD's WORD judges.

Whether our acts be right, or wrong.

In the end, JESUS will judge us all.

And I found, we are much in the wrong.

That's why I write, to warn, to wake up.

To remind you to worship.

To share what wisdom is.

Always, through Scripture.

On 14 January 2020, JESUS called my attention to the Rapture.

The imminent event that concerns us all.

And I found, I've been pretty consistent in my writings.

Reflecting trustworthy teachers' findings.

Who would have thought I'd understand the Rapture easily?

Who would have thought I'd understand the Bible easily?

Who would have thought I'd understand GOD's commands easily?

GOD made it so.

He knew I waited so long for truth.

Exhausting all my time, funds, and research.

But He gave it all, the day I couldn't bear to sin anymore.

And made such a declaration in April 2019.

He made me born again FIVE months after that.

Today, it's been FIVE years since that momentous day.

I'm a FIVE-year born again today.

And I just keep looking forward to each lesson.

To each day, I'm meant to share Scripture with you.

Knowing GOD is at the helm.

Directing my EVERY step,

Guiding my EVERY thought.

Creating my EVERY article.

My confidence is in Him alone.

He gave us JESUS to follow.

Who taught us the RIGHT way back to GOD.

Through Himself.

For He lived a life of perfect obedience.

That's really what being born again means.

To know GOD's laws.

To follow them.

And to love JESUS, as you do.

John 14:15-18

King James Version

15 If ye love me, 

keep my commandments.

16 And I will pray the Father, 

and he shall give you another Comforter, 

that he may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; 

whom the world cannot receive, 

because it seeth him not, 

neither knoweth him: 

but ye know him; 

for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you comfortless: 

I will come to you.

All the while, remembering to GIVE THANKS to the LORD.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

King James Version

18 In every thing give thanks: 

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus 

concerning you.

I've chosen the simple path.

Possibly the simplest path of all.

But the most exciting path ever.

Treading the path JESUS paved.

Of focusing on GOD alone.

Carrying my own cross.

Walking that narrow path.

It is a path of focus.

For the world is chaotic.

Filled with sin.

Filled with temptations.

Filled with deception.

I've chosen the GOD of the HEAVENS.

Not the god of this world.

Who refuses to bow to the LORD.

At his peril.

My soul is no longer in peril.

I belong to the LORD of ALL.


Philippians 2:10-11

King James Version

10 That at the name of Jesus 

every knee should bow, 

of things in heaven, 

and things in earth, 

and things under the earth;

11 And that every tongue should confess 

that Jesus Christ is Lord, 

to the glory of God the Father.

Tomorrow is not my birthday.

Today is my birthday.

My TRUE birthday.

A new creature.


2 Corinthians 5:17

King James Version

17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, 

he is a new creature: 

old things are passed away; 


all things are become new.

Related material:

GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics