Friday, July 5, 2024


Jeremiah 29:13

King James Version

13 And ye shall seek me, 

and find me, 

when ye shall search for me 

with all your heart.

I don't think I was seeking GOD early on.

I was "fed" GOD.

All my schools are Catholic schools.

The nuns taught me about GOD, JESUS, the apostles, Joseph, Mary, the miracles, the life, death, and resurrection of JESUS.

They didn't expound much on the HOLY SPIRIT.

We were also taught about the sacraments.

And that's where the priests come in.

We had the obligatory baptism, communion, confirmation, penance, marriage, ordination, and extreme unction.

The only ones I had not had were marriage, for we got married before a judge.

No ordination, for I'm not bound to become a priest.

No extreme unction, for I'm still alive.

I'm not Catholic anymore.

But I'm deeply grateful to the patient nuns who taught us about the Holy Trinity.

That's GOD, the FATHER, GOD the SON, and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT.

We did not study the Bible.

We were fed the stories, and parables.

Still, I'm grateful, for they were my first teachers on GOD.

What I do know is that I was seeking ABSOLUTE truth.

Did that, almost all my life.

For the longest time, it remained elusive.

But I persisted in my search.

I practically read everything on sight.

Hoping a book would reveal something I didn't know.

I listened to possible teachers, but they were too worldly.

The thing that I could never go for was to seek a "guru".

Somehow, that didn't seem right.

I remained disappointed, but not disillusioned.

If you're talking about hunger, I was mighty hungry, and thirsty for truth.

Something inside me kept me going.

It kept me cheerful, and tenacious.

Even giggly, at most times.

It kept me from quitting.

It kept me hoping, and praying.

It kept me searching, and studying.

No book revealed everything.

No book was satisfactory.

Why was ABSOLUTE truth being withheld from me?

I couldn't put a finger to it, but I just knew it was there.

I have no sophisticated, exotic kind of prayer.

Only the simplest, childlike prayer:

"Please help me, GOD!"

Whether it was praying after a bad dream.

Or needing actual help, that was my simple prayer.

I'm just like a child looking up to the FATHER.

In the meantime, I puttered about.

Lost, not knowing what to do.

Hoping an answer would come soon.

Then I got this brilliant idea of not wanting to sin anymore.

For I was sick of self, and sin.

I knew what my sins were.

And it had to stop.

I stopped all my nonsense.

Practically turning my back on the world.

And just tended to my family.

Not knowing everything was going according to GOD's plan.

I won't tell you how many decades I messed up.

That sprightly spirit in me would say encouragingly:

"It's all for good!"

"It's for your education."

"So you may realize things."

"It's all part of the search."

"All will become clear one day."

But I saw no end in sight.

I was still in that tunnel.

Knowing some light is out there.

I just didn't know how long the tunnel was.

Considering the decades I've searched, I may have circled the world.

Many times over.

If the answer finally came, it may be because GOD finally pitied me.

His GRACE came upon me.

He saw I had nothing left, but family, and friends.

Probably EXACTLY where He wanted me to be.

That sprightly spirit kept me perpetually cheerful.

Perhaps, GOD was also happy, for I kept on.

As I took note of dreams, signs, or symbols.

Always on the alert for any possible "prompt", or "clue".

Which were actually a lot.

Except I didn't see the whole picture yet.

GOD didn't mind my bugging Him with so many questions.

At least, there were no demands, bribes, or ultimatums.

I didn't say things like, "If You do this, I'll do that."

No such thing.

No negotiations went on.

Never even occurred to me.

I may not have known the fullness of GOD, but I had respect.

Thanks to the Catholic nuns, I knew GOD was IT.

Even as that basic education didn't tell me the whole story.

In 2019, GOD led me to Bible prophecy on America.

Which I devoured like crazy.

Why America -- only GOD knows.

Then He gave me the Bible to study.

Of course, I was like a pup.

All over the place, in pure happiness.

I started with Zechariah.

Then thought, oh, I must know about JESUS first!

I turned to the four gospels.

After which, I told myself, I must start from the VERY beginning.


Turned out, that was the thing to do.

In just the first TWO verses, I was hooked.

Genesis 1:1-2

King James Version

1 In the beginning 

God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; 

and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 

And the Spirit of God moved 

upon the face of the waters.

I knew the famous THIRD verse.

The nuns taught me that before.

Genesis 1:3

King James Version

3 And God said, 

Let there be light: 

and there was light.

Yeah, but they left out the FIRST two.

And upon those two my whole life changed.


Genesis 1:2

King James Version

2 And the earth was without form, and void; 

and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 

And the Spirit of God moved 

upon the face of the waters.


That CEMENTED my love for the Bible.

"the earth was without form, and void"

(shapeless? empty?)

"darkness was upon the face of the deep"

(scary thought, murky waters)

"the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters"

(the SPIRIT of GOD??!!)

Perhaps, that was the moment GOD made me born again.

The moment I read about the "Spirit of God".

Wow, it took me nearly 58 months to realize this.

Surely, it's by SPIRIT's design, this veil over my vision.

From my initial discoveries, we continued reading Scripture.

It's now "we", not "I".

By this time, SPIRIT was guiding me.

For, how else could have I understood the Bible easily?

How else could have I kept studying, and writing non-stop?

Tomorrow would be my 58 months as born again.

That's like four years, and 10 months already.

The discoveries haven't ceased.

Every day, I encounter more, and more.

We've got 106 blogs to put in our findings.

I actually can't share fast enough with you.

Every time I read a verse, I am in awe.

At how every word speaks of JESUS.

He is, after all, the WORD.

He is Scripture.

He is GOD personified.

He is all we need to focus on.

Especially in these end times.

Look at one of the simplest, and most powerful verses:

Romans 10:13

King James Version

13 For whosoever shall call 

upon the name of the Lord 

shall be saved.

You mean, all you need to do is call upon the name of JESUS?

And you shall be saved?

That's what Scripture says.

If you are seeking ABSOLUTE truth, then you're seeking JESUS.

If you are seeking PEACE, then you're searching for Him, too.

As if to round off my education, JESUS led me to His words today:

John 6:44

King James Version

44 No man can come to me, 

except the Father which hath sent me draw him: 

and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 6:45

King James Version

45 It is written in the prophets, 

And they shall be all taught of God. 

Every man therefore that hath heard, 

and hath learned of the Father, 

cometh unto me.

So, that's what it's all about.

When you are drawn to JESUS, it's because you sought GOD first.

And when you seek Him, He leads you to His Son.

Exactly what I did; exactly what happened.

These verses told me everything I needed to know:

"No man can come to me, 

except the Father which hath sent me 

draw him:"

"Every man therefore that hath heard, 

and hath learned of the Father, 

cometh unto me."

I had "heard" and have "learned of the Father", through the Catholic nuns.

And because I did, GOD led me to JESUS.

JESUS was to do the "saving":

John 6:39

King James Version

39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, 

that of all which he hath given me 

I should lose nothing, 

but should raise it up again 

at the last day.

Another thing --

We come to JESUS, through GOD.

In the same manner, we come to GOD, through JESUS.

John 14:6

King James Version

6 Jesus saith unto him, 

I am the way, the truth, and the life: 

no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

All because They are ONE.

John 10:29-30

King James Version

29 My Father, 

which gave them me, 

is greater than all; 

and no man is able to pluck them 

out of my Father's hand.

30 I and my Father are one.

My search is definitely over.

ABSOLUTE truth is, and through, JESUS.

In Him lies peace, love, joy, truth, and salvation.

My lengthy search has all been worth it.


Are you searching, too?

What path are you taking?


Or absolute wealth?

My choice never really wavered.

Much as the world wished I did.

My earth father taught me well.

It was never about fame, or fortune.

But my heavenly FATHER taught me best.

It was about FAITH.

1 Corinthians 2:5

King James Version

5 That your faith should not stand 

in the wisdom of men, 

but in the power of God.

Hebrews 11:1

King James Version

11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 

the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:6

King James Version

6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: 

for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, 

and that he is a rewarder of them 

that diligently seek him.

The things of the world are not permanent.

Wealth comes, and goes.

Life comes, and goes.

Only JESUS, the WORD, remains.

Matthew 24:35

King James Version

35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, 

but my words shall not pass away.

I am really leaning upon JESUS now.

The ROCK of my REASON.


The PEACE of my PATH.


Colossians 2:9

King James Version

9 For in him dwelleth 

all the fulness of the Godhead 


Related material:

How the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD Taught Me

The TASK given me



BORN AGAIN articles

Related video:

Michael Youssef: Beware of THIS New Ideology Infiltrating American Churches | Eric Metaxas on TBN

Verses from Bible Gateway