Monday, January 20, 2025


Acts 26:18

King James Version

18 To open their eyes, 

and to turn them from darkness to light, 

and from the power of Satan unto God, 

that they may receive forgiveness of sins, 

and inheritance among them 

which are sanctified by faith 

that is in me.

Are you facing a dead end?

Facing a blank wall?

Nothing works?

Tired of the same stuff?

Jaded, to the core?








What do you do next?


Ask for help?





Sink even deeper?

I went through many "dark nights" of the soul, too.

But April 2019 was different.

I just felt "rotten".

So sick of sin, and self.

Same sins, again and again.

I was digging a ditch for myself.

Satan provided the shovel.

He was about to dump me into it, too.

Surely, GOD opened my eyes.

I couldn't bear to sin anymore.

I turned my back on sin, and never looked back.

One thing you need to do with sin?

QUIT cold turkey.

With all the troubles I've had, I just prayed.

I didn't know how GOD would answer.

I didn't know what solutions He'd have for me.

All I know is I bared my heart to Him.

In five months' time, He made me born again.

He made me read the Bible.

Then, He led me to prophecy.

All in one morning.

I gobbled its truth.

He led me to prophet Zechariah.

Then we jumped to the four gospels.

I wanted to know EVERTHING about JESUS.

I wanted to know His EXACT words.

Then, an idea hit.

"Start from the beginning."

So I went to the FIRST book of the Bible.

Genesis 1:1-2

King James Version

1 In the beginning 

God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, 

and void; and darkness 

was upon the face of the deep. 

And the Spirit of God 

moved upon the face of the waters.

FIRST two verses alone got me.

The second verse was my FIRST encounter with the "Spirit of God".

It's been over five years now, and we have not stopped writing.

All my material comes from SPIRIT.

We now have 111 blogs, and 24 e-books.

I perceive a 112th hovering.

It made its presence "known" this morning.

My days, and nights, are filled with SPIRIT, Scripture, snacks, and studies.

Apart from family tasks, and chores, of course.

I never run out of articles.

I am productive because of SPIRIT.

I just write, and write, and write.

And share, and share, and share.

And study, and study, and study.

I leave the rest to SPIRIT.

Have I found my answers?

Is my life better now?


It's all in JESUS.

He's my "model" for GODLY development.

My "pattern" for perfection, and simplicity.

My LORD for all things GOD.

The Answer to ALL the questions in this world.

Go ahead, ASK Him anything.

I compare the world's ways with His ways.

And I laugh, because there's no comparison.

I grieve, too, because I wish people would turn to Him.

If only the world would look to JESUS.

It would end ALL conflicts.

He is the PEACE you seek.

I live the simplest life of all.

Being born again is so fun!

It's the change you need.

I have no ambition.

No desire to rule the world.

No desire to dominate anything.

No desire to be "liked", "followed", or "honored".

A follower of JESUS looks to Him alone.

He is all that matters.

I am happy, peaceful, clear, content, and quiet.

Serving GOD; serving you; even looking after Trump.

I tell you of the Rapture, because JESUS alerted me to that.

SPIRIT and I have been preparing you five years now.

The Rapture is next in GOD's timeline.

That means GOD is giving us time to change.

He's giving us an opportunity to be with Him.

He wants us to acknowledge our sins, and repent.

He wants us to look to JESUS, for everything.

Every day we're still here is a chance to ask for forgiveness.

Every day is a chance to know more about the LORD's gospel.

We are given so many chances.

Let's not squander it.

Here's an important verse to ponder upon:

1 Thessalonians 5:18

King James Version

18 In every thing give thanks: 

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus 

concerning you.

Related material:

FEAR the LORD verses






GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics